Le Mans

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Epilogue: We are not finished yet

North Bend, WA — Epilogue — it means: a concluding part added to a literary work, as a novel. I don’t think of this as a novel — but it definitely will have an epilogue.
Over the course of the month of July we will share our thoughts about the trip and the event and we will also share some photos of the race that we did not have a chance to post (like the one at left.) Both of our trips home were rather uneventful — though mine was a bit longer than I would like as I had the London to Houston to Seattle route that got me home at 2 am June 30th.
Stay tuned.

Le Mans panorama

This will give you an idea of both the massive number of people at the event and the weather that we had swirling around the track for the first four hours of the race. Be sure to click on the link of the image to see if full size.

There is more to come…

PARIS, France — After going 30 hours straight for the event, Joe and I have taken a day off to

recover. We took the train from Le Mans to Paris and saw a few sights on Monday. Joe returns to the states Tuesday via an Air France flight. I have more business to attend to in the UK.
However, we have other information that we will be posted including analysis of the event, a sample of how the event was covered in France by the news media, a really cool win ad by Audi, stories from the trip, more images, and as they say on Madison avenue when they can not thing of anything else, much, much more.

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