Are you ready to drive at Le Mans?

LE MANS, Fr — One day in the not too distant future you will be able to drive the famed Circuit de la Sarthe — and from the comfort of your living room — all the while competiting with the greats of the sport like Emanuele Pirro, Frank Biela, or any number of Le Mans driving greats — thanks to the integration of real-time GPS data with gaming software, at least so says Andy Lurling, founder of iOpener Media.

However, you may have to wait until Christmas or perhaps a little later to get your change to duel with the Audis and Peugeots since Mr. Lurling’s company will have its first game on the market by September — which in software development speak really means in time for the Christmas rush.

While there is much to the concept, don’t hold your breath — though if you believe in the idea you might want to invest a dollar or a euro or two in the company. A complete story on the concept can be found here.

Since it does allow for real time competition in motor sport events, it does mean that you could wind up racing against the Audi’s and Peugeots at Le Mans — and even winnining. Would they give out two set’s of trophies?

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