With the start of the 2nd qualifying practice session ’24 Heures du Mans’

Team Audi is very optimistic in claiming a possible eighth overall victory at the French Endurance Classic. Quite possibly the world’s most difficult endurance car race, it also acts as a test bench for new technology later used in street cars. Audi lines up this year for the third time with the R10 TDI which was unveiled at the end of 2005. This year while Audi may not be the fastest at the Circuit De La Sarthe they are gambling on efficiency and reliability for their tenth appearance in Le Mans. At a 30-hour endurance test in April, the team ran without problems. In addition the car is designed so that it can be repaired in the shortest possible time after collisions or accidents.

Dr Wolfgang Ullrich (head of Audi Motorsports) said, “We have seen from the results in both the LMS and ALMS the we can expect of of the most exciting Le Mans races.”

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