Le Mans: Friday Night Drivers Parade

Friday Night found Alex, and I at the “Drivers Parade” in the Center of Le Mans. We were told to expect a lot of people, and some craziness. That could not have been closer to the truth. Since we didn’t know exactly where we were going, and the French don’t like to give directions, or information about things we ended up parking about 2Km away from the Parade. When we got there, the party was well underway.

Along the parade route

The Fans literally come out in droves, This is made much easier with the tram, which is a new addition to Le Mans.

Tram from Le Mans, to Circuit De La Sarthe

Fans flock from around the world, for the 24 hours of Le Mans.

Holland fans

Fans from Scotland? Fans of Allan McNish? Either way these fans were doing as Scots do…

Scotish Fans

Fans find any place they can to catch a glimpse of their favorite drivers.

Crowd at the Parade


And the party continues in Le Mans…



Drivers of the Audi Sport R10 TDI’s Wave and Sign pictures for fans through the streets of Le Mans.



Audi Young Guns for Team Joest wave at the crowd and sign autographs.

Team Joest Drivers

The Hawaiian tropic girls were a big hit at the Parade.

Hawaiian tropics Girls


Fuzzy Blue Cowboy hats

Elevation is your advantage at the Parade, these people had the best view…



Even dogsĀ  love Le Mans, this dog seemed to be more interested in the parade then his master.


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