Dyson’s Mazda takes Mid-Ohio

LEXINGTON, Oh — It was simple as this: stay ahead of Simon Pagnaud and the Patron Honda for 20 plus laps on the 13 turn two-plus mile Mid Ohio track and win the race. And that is what Chris Dyson as the Dyson Team Mazda-powered Lola B09/86 LMP car took the checkered flag by .506 seconds over the Patrón Highcroft Racing’s Simon Pagenaud in the HPD.

Early on the race the pole-setting Drayson Lola with Judd power took itself out of the race when drive Paul Drayson made contact with another car and went into the gravel trap. The shunt caused enough damage to the car that it was never able to compete in the rest of the race.

In the always competitive GT class, it was the No. 62 Risi Ferrari F430 GTC of Jaime Melo and Gianmaria Bruni that recorded the team’s first ever victory at the Mid Ohio Sports Car Course and their third for the season with a come-from-behind effort after the primary fuel pump on the car went out and the team had to switch to and run the back-up pump.

Complete results are found here.

All photographs by Dave R. Johnson.

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