14:00: A little less than 14 hours to go… Peugeot pulled into garage briefly…


With about two hours to go to the half-way mark, one of the Peugeot 908’s was pulled inside the garage briefly. Could this be the first fissure in what has so far been a very strong run?


It is well into the night stints and the soft tires are coming out, as the temperature falls. Michelin Tires have seen triple stints on the medium compound, but are urging teams to wait until the track temperature is 26C or lower.


As Michelin’s 4-wheel competition manager Matthieu Bonardel explains. ” Things have changed a bit in LMP1. The diesels are still double-stinting. They are happy with the consistency and balance of the medium tires. It will be some time before they switch to the soft compounds. As for the Petrol prototypes, Pescarolo and Dome have been working on three stints for some time already, and Oreca followed suit, albeit with one difference. Oreca have switched to the soft compounds. These team’s third stint is slower then the other two , but they balance that out with one fewer visit to the pits.”

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