01:30: Final Countdown less than 2 hours remaining.

we are under 2 hours for the 2008 24 Hours of Le Mans, The teams are all bringing in their cars for final tires, fuel, and driver changes, for the last stint, the final sprint in this 24 hour spectacle of speed.

Here the Corvette Team works on fixing the hydralic Jack system.

Corvette Team working on air jacks

Corvette Team working on air jacks

The#50 Saleen S7R leaves it’s pit for the final time.

Saleen final pit

The LMPGT2 #77 Felbermayr Proton 911 GT3 RSR comes in for Fuel and Tires


The #1 Audi Sport T10 TDI is pushed into the garage to have clutch work done.




Audi R10 TDI Mechanics put the replace the transaxle of the R10 TDI faster then most people change a flat tire.


A frustrated Marco Werner looks on and anxiously waits to rejoin the race.


A damaged #32 LMP2 Zytek 07S receives new tires and body work.


LMGT2 #82 Risi Competizione crew members take a spare moment to check out the scenery.


LMP1 Peugeot 908 HDI-FAP come in for Tires, Diesel, and a drivers change


LPMP2 Pescarolo P01 Judd pits




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