And they are off! The start of the 80th running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans

Le Mans, France – With the rain holding off for the start of the 80th running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, at the fabled Circuit de la Sarthe. Three French Air Force Mirage 2000 jet fighters fly over the starting grid trailing the traditional Blue, White, and Red smoke, to signal the cars to proceed on their out lap. When they come around again, they will be travelling at full tilt, as the cross the start/finish line. We will not find out who wins for 24 Hours, the teams will cover more distance than the entire Formula 1 season covers, and will race in any weather condition that Mother Nature will throw at them.

After the first 2 hours the cars have seemingly settled into a rhythm. Currently the Audi R18s are running one, two. While the pair of Toyota TS030s are running in position three and four, closely followed by the Audi R18 Ultras in five, and six.

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