After 5 hours of hard racing, we are under a Safety car after Toyota TS030 No. 8 driven by Anthony Davidson crashes hard.

Le Mans, France – After 5 hours of racing, we are under a full course Saftey Car, after the No. 8 Toyota TS030 driven by Anthony Davidson got tangled up with a slower GTE Ferrari. The Toyota pitched sideways, then went airborne, flipping and landing on its left rear, and crashing into the tire barriers. Anthony extracted himself from the Toyota, and went to work trying to see if the car was still able to get underway. However after several minutes of working on the car, he was forced to abandon the car. Anthony was taken to the track side medical center, and thankfully, was reported would no be taken to the hospital.

Shortly before the No. 8 Toyota accident, Romain Dumas crashed into the tire barrier at the first chicane, stuffing the car hard, and causing signifigant damage to the right front corner. Romain got out of the R18, and forcefully ripped of the broken body panels, and got back into the severly damaged Audi, and limped it back to the pits, with the front right wheel, only held on with what looked like one suspension point. Romain made it to the garage, and was swarmed by a team of Audi mechanics.

Safety Car is scheduled to be out for another 20 minutes or so, while the barrier is repaired from the Toyota accident. Current running order is:

Position 1: Audi R18 e-tron quattro driven by Marcel Fassler
Position 2: Toyota TS030 driven by Kazumi Nakajima
Position 3: Audi R18 e-tron quattro drivne by Dindo Capello
Position 4: Rebellion Racing Lola B12/60-Toyota

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