BULLETIN: Loic Duvall crashes during practice run

LEMANS, France — Loic Duvall, driving the No. 1 Audi e-tron quattro, which is also the defending Le Mans champion and WEC champion, crashed hard today during a test run at the storied track.

Duvall was reported to be awake and talking after the incident and was taken to the hospital in Le Mans for further checks.

He had just pushed the Audi to the fastest time for the team when the accident occurred in the Porsche curves.

For more information see this story from Autoweek.

No word from Audi boss Wolfgang Ullrich regarding the state of the car — though from the picture it looked as if it was pretty well wadded up.

More information as it becomes available.

Official notice from the ACO

At 17h05, today Wednesday 11 June, the No.1 Audi left the track at very high speed at the Porsche Curves, at Marshals Post No.131. The incident occurred during the free practice session for the 82nd edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Conscious, the driver was taken into the care of the ACO’s Medical Services, extracted from the car to an ambulance and then immediately transported to the Le Mans’s Centre Hospitalier where he will undergo further examination.
His condition is encouraging.
The tests recommenced at 17h55.

Here is additional coverage from Jalopnik which seems to indicate that Audi will be able to bring a new car in without penalty.  At this writing the first night session of qualifying is going on at Le Mans. Check out the tweet at the end of the story in which Audi  basically said “bring on the challenge”.

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