Night practice rattles Circuit de la Sarthe from it afternoon siesta

Thursday Night Qualifying
Thursday Night Qualifying
So far in the big show, the Audi R-15s have been dominate though there are sections on the track where the Peugeot’s have been quicker.

Interestingly enough, while there was a “big stink” (an official protest according to some stories) raised by Peugeot, Aston Martin, and others over the design of the R-15, nothing has come out to cause the Audi’s to change anything — at least publicly.

The weather has been damp with several rain sessions per day so far — though nothing today in the afternoon. The air is thick.

While the recession grips the world it does not appear that Le Mans is being affected. Traffic into the track this evening was wall-to-wall and there are quite a few people in the stands this evening.

We will have more later this evening including times etc.

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