A car show on the way to Normandy

Driving in the rain on the way to Normandy
Driving in the rain

Driving in the rain on the way to Normandy

ON THE ROAD TO NORMANDY, France — One might be surprised at how many Brits attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans — and while this writer has no official numb er — all you have to do is look at all the cars heading for home and the ferry in the Normandy region.

More than that it is also one heck of a car show with virtually every car of your dreams on the road in a variety of configurations. These include the noble late model Bentley, about every flavor of Porsche you can imagine, including many that have the full roll-cage treatment, and any number of Ferraris as is pictured at left.

DrivingĀ  through the rain on the way to Normandy it was also possible to see that there were some folks in convertibles who were putting on the “stiff upper lip” as they motored through the moisture.

Strangely, a large number of these cars also are showing the 24 Hours of Le Mans Beer Disposal sticker — and judging by the number of empties that are seen in and around the race track this is a real if unjudged contest.

1 comment

  • Mark Petry June 19, 2009

    Ah, that looks like motoring in the grand touring tradition! Just imagine you are Jacky Ickx going thru the Mulsanne kink in a 936 at say 330 kph, dark of night, pouring rain, with a Renault hot on your tail!

    Great coverage of the race – Along with an hour of SpeedChannel, I felt like I was there. wonderful pics too!

    cheers, markp

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