Autocon team only American LM P1 entree at Le Mans

Autocon Racing of Escondido, CA will has accepted the invitation of the ACO to participate in the 2008 24 Hours of Le Mans. The team consists of drivers Michael Lewis, Chris McMurry, and Bryan Willman and will field a Creation/Judd for the event.

Although this will be the first trip to Le Mans for the Autocon, two of its drivers, Bryan Willman and Chris McMurry, drove for Team Bucknum at Le Mans in 2003.

Said Lewis of the opportunity,”From a personal standpoint, it’s the pinnacle of sports car racing. What more can you say. For a guy who grew up on racing, idolizing drivers and tracks, Le Mans is the ultimate cathedral of speed. It’s practically holy ground! I will cherish every moment of the experience.”

The team scored well in the US ALMS Series finishing every race that it entered except the final event at LaGuna Seca, but finished second overall in the series, which for a privateer effort is an outstanding achievement.

Bettered only by the factory Audi effort, it was the top gasoline (petrol) powered P1 team, truly a high achievement for the scrappy privateer team from San Diego in only its third season in the top prototype class.

Lewis, McMurry, and Willman will have their hands full on the lady called Circuit de la Sarthe as both Audi and Peugeot will field three of the diesel steeds in the event, while Aston-Martin and Lola are teaming up for a LM P1 start and there are the usual cast of other LM P1 entries, including the RolleCentre team, another privateer team that finished fourth last year.

For more information on this stars and stripes entry at Le Mans check out their web site.

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