Le Mans is 10 days away — ‘Oh boy!’


In what will be perhaps one of the most highly contested and competitive races in a decade, Audi, Peugeot, and Aston Martin will be squaring off at the 24 Hours of Le Mans starting June 14th at 3 pm. Last year’s winner and the winner of seven of the last eight races will have a tall order to fill if it is to win in 2008.
That is because for the first time since their first win the Audi will have competition from not one, but two other automobile manufacturers — Peugeot and Aston Martin. The Peugeot has already proved to be quick on its feet in early events and while the Audi won its class at the 12 hour race at Sebring in March — to some observers it appears as if the Peugeot is quicker than the vaunted Audi.

In addition the once vaunted Audi reliability has taken a hit with regularity during events prior to Le Mans, introducing yet another question mark to the teams effort to continue to dominate in the world of endurance racing.

The Aston-Martin backed team has shown short glimpses of speed but even though every Aston Martin that was entered in last year’s event in the GT1 Class finished — LM P1 is a horse of another color and winning requires more than the will to win.

Peugeot will bring a stable of three cars to the race this year matching the entires of the Audis and will be brimmed full of confidence from their early season successes. But confidence in early June does not translate into a Le Mans win either.

Our live coverage of the event will begin next week — stay tuned for hour-by-hour coverage of world’s greatest racing event.

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